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Santa Monica City Council made the most incomprehensible, bad decision to demolish parking garage three on the promenade and turn it into a homeless shelter. Making it even harder for the promenade to recover.
We think there are better places for homeless shelters and need treatment centers that help people instead.
Now Santa Monica City Council is planning to take down parking garage one! We want to immediately halt the destruction of commercial infrastructure such as Parking Structure 3 (demolished) and save Parking Structure 1 and the targeted Main Street parking lots.

Protect Commercial Districts & Parking Garages
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Affordable Homeownership Opportunities

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Economy Vibracy
What We Stand For

Protect Parking Garages

Protect Commercial Districts

Preserve Rent Control
What We Stand For

Public Safety

Neighborhood Preservation

Prioritize Small Business Success

Homeless Population in Santa Monica

of Homeless are Addicted to Drugs

Homeless are dumped at last Metro
stop in
Santa Monica
Our Mission

Economic Vibrancy

Traffic Control

City Fiscal Responsibility

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Make Santa Monica Safe
Santa Monica Police Chief Ramon Batista is fighting an uphill battle. Santa Monica's Police has only increased by a total of 7 officers in eighteen years, even though the Metro Rail came to Santa Monica in 2016.
According to the City of Santa Monica, 75% of the 807 homeless in the city are addicted to drugs, which means as soon as their drug wears of they’re looking to commit crimes for the next high. It’s no wonder that the City has an epidemic of crimes.
We need effectively address the correlation between homeless drug addiction and the victimization of the community. Find a way to get them help that includes drug treatment and mental and physical healthcare instead of focusing on low-income housing.
Since COVID-19 - Eviction Moratorium in Santa Monica just ended we know that the increase in homelessness is not due to low-income housing from our existing community.
Every night when the metro rail and the buses stop running, they dump approximately 60 homeless people at their last stop in Santa Monica. Why is Santa Monica allowing Los Angeles County to do this?